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Everything You Need To Know About YouTube SEO

If you have managed to invest in multiple content formats as a part of your content marketing strategy, it must include Youtube for long and short-form video content. Incorporating Youtube SEO diligently into your overall SEO and content marketing strategy can help you maximise visibility on search engine result pages. 

The only search engine larger than YouTube is that of its parent firm, Google. According to information shared by Youtube press, Youtube videos make up eight out of ten of the results for video searches, and the site is continually expanding with more than 500 hours of new content being added every minute. What can you do to keep from becoming lost in the sea of videos? Utilizing best practices for Youtube SEO, your best hope is to optimise excellent videos for search. 

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how you can create a robust Youtube SEO strategy, let 

us first understand how this platform’s algorithm works. 

How Does The YouTube Algorithm Work? 

As with any search engine, the ranks of YouTube videos are decided by a sophisticated algorithm; nevertheless, even an excellent Youtube video marketing agency would never recommend getting bogged down in attempting to comprehend every single component.

Instead, keep in mind that any search engine’s “objective” is to provide users with the highest quality material that most closely fits their search criteria.

In particular, the YouTube search algorithm is based on two different “groups” of factors:

  • The video transcript, title, description, and tags of your video are “technical” SEO signposts that let the algorithm know what your content is about.
  • The “Human” SEO signals—such as watch time, click rate, retention, and user engagement—tell the algorithm if the viewers of your YouTube material find it to be worthwhile.

While it may appear difficult to gain any exposure on YouTube, you can use specific tactics to make sure that the search engine’s algorithm favours you.

Now, let us look at some of the tips that you must follow if you want your videos to rank high on search engine result pages (SERPs). 

Use Keywords

Use Keywords 

The keywords that show up on search engines like Google or Bing are slightly different from those that appear on YouTube. 

For instance, “how to”-related keywords on YouTube are common.

Any digital marketing agency would suggest you look for various terms related to your industry. Afterwards, check to see if any keywords return video results.

For instance, if you look for “how to cook khichdi” a tonne of video results will appear, and at least one of them comes from YouTube. 

There are a couple of free and paid marketing tools that you can use to search for keywords, compare them with other search volume keywords, and even continuously monitor the performance of your content based on the topics you choose to write about. 

Optimise Your Video Description 

Optimise Your Video Description 

You need to optimise your video description in addition to your title. Now that you know that the major purpose of your title is to draw people in, you may be a little more descriptive in your description.

The first 125 characters of your description are displayed on YouTube, so it’s a good idea to try 250 words if you can. Additionally, practices for YouTube SEO advise that you start your video description with the most crucial keywords.

When composing the descriptions for your videos, keep the following in mind:

  • If at all feasible, don’t forget to add your target keyword(s).
  • Make sure your writing is original. Don’t just paste some content from your website or another location.
  • Include the URL of your website so that people may visit it.

Of course, the algorithm isn’t everything. Make sure to keep your audience in mind while writing this because they will be reading it as well. It’s never a smart idea to write entirely for robots!

Also, Add Tags With Keyword Synonyms 

To help people understand what your video is about, YouTube advises utilising tags. However, you’re not only educating your audience; you’re also educating YouTube. The purpose of tags, according to Dean, is to help the platform “understand the content and context of your video.”

In this manner, YouTube learns how to link your video to other related videos, which can increase the audience for your material. However, pick your tags carefully. Use relevant tags instead of irrelevant ones if you want to increase views; otherwise, Google may penalise you for this. 

Write A Script 

Writing a script can increase the production value of your videos. Scripts are clunky and unnatural, and you want to come across as spontaneous and genuine, after all.

You can actually have a higher chance of coming off as genuine and spontaneous with a compelling, well-written screenplay, while also avoiding being distracted and losing viewers.

Using a script can help you speak more clearly and eliminate the filler words such as “umm,” “ahhh,” and “where was I?” and captivate your audience. Additionally, it helps speed up the production of your video so you can focus on producing more content. 

Therefore, be sure to provide a brief and engaging introduction that goes right to the point and tells readers why they should continue watching the video till the end. Consider it an extension of your title; make a commitment at the outset that you will keep by the conclusion.

Include Closed Captions 

Your video’s subtitles are automatically generated by YouTube using transcription software. Make sure your content writing agency knows how to add captions to your videos without any lag. 

Google penalises spam and promotes useful search results. “Automatically generated gibberish” is a term that is used to define spam, and it accurately describes the majority of auto-captions. You run the risk of having your YouTube channel flagged as spam and losing search ranking by employing erroneous subtitles.

You should accurately add closed captions through an SRT file to your YouTube videos to counter the negative impact of auto-captions on your Youtube SEO strategy.

Videos cannot be seen by search engines, but they can crawl text. Your video’s subtitles will be jam-packed with pertinent keywords that describe its subject so that Google can index it and give it the proper ranking.

YouTube videos may have subtitles added in a variety of ways. Some YouTubers start with the automatic transcript and fix any mistakes by hand. There are alternative inexpensive yet labour-intensive DIY transcribing methods.

Closed captions for your YouTube videos increase SEO while also making them more accessible to deaf or hard-of-hearing users. Additionally, captions enable hearing individuals to reduce the sound and view your movie in a quiet library or on a noisy train. In essence, subtitles enable a bigger audience to see, comprehend, and enjoy your film.

Add Your Videos In The Proper Category 

A movie can be categorised after it has been uploaded under “Advanced options.” On YouTube, selecting a category is another approach to organise your video with related material so that it appears in various playlists and is seen by more people who fit your target demographic.

It might not be as straightforward as it seems. In actuality, it’s crucial to follow a thorough procedure to decide which category each video fits in. Respond to inquiries like the following:

  • Who are the leading creators in this genre? 
  • What do they excel at and what are they recognised for?
  • Exist any trends among the viewers of comparable channels within a specific category?
  • Do the videos in a category have anything in common, such as production quality, duration, or format?

Categorising your videos on Youtube can help in them being discovered in a structured manner and can help in YouTube audience targeting. Rather than simply uploading your video, categorisation helps the algorithm to also fetch it to the appropriate audience, making your job a lot easier. 

Everything You Need To Know About YouTube SEO 1

Customise A Thumbnail 

Although you will receive an automated video thumbnail from YouTube, it will only be a random image. You can create your own image that serves the purpose of a thumbnail. Remember that the illustrated parts in a thumbnail, in contrasting colours, draw attention and give off a professional impression.

The YouTube SERPs may be compared to a digital storefront in that you are selling content there while searchers are spending time there. You need to stand out as having the best, most professional, and thorough material on the subject. 

A thumbnail also gives the potential user a peek into the production quality of a video and encourages viewers to click on the video, and a high click-through rate can dramatically boost your ranking performance since it gives YouTube’s algorithm another chance to realise that this is unquestionably the most authoritative information on that subject.

Add info card

Add The ‘i’ Card 

Have you ever been viewing a video when a little white circle with an “i” at the top right corner of a transparent bar of text inviting you to subscribe appears in the corner? Cards are preformatted alerts that show on desktop and mobile devices and may be set up to promote your brand and other videos on your channel, according to YouTube. There are six different sorts of cards, and you may add up to five to a single movie. They are as follows: 

  • Viewers to another channel using channel cards.
  • Cards for donations that promote fundraising for American nonprofit groups.
  • For asking your audience to contribute to the development of your video content through fan finance.
  • Link cards that point users to external websites, authorised platforms for crowdsourcing or authorised platforms for selling goods.
  • Poll cards, which ask viewers a question and let them choose an answer.
  • Cards for videos or playlists that connect to similar YouTube material.

Similar information is displayed on end screens as it is on cards, but end screens are more graphically detailed and, as you might have guessed, only appear after a video has finished playing. 

Create A Playlist 

Create keyword-focused playlists for the videos as you continue to add them to your content repository. This will not only provide YouTube with more information on the subject matter of your films, but it will also encourage people to watch more of them, raising your view count and, thus, your ranking. 

For instance, the “A How-To” playlist on 5 mins craft compiles all of the short life hacks. A playlist usually appears on the right side of the main video and lists all the related videos to the playlist topic. Therefore, a how-to playlist may contain videos of DIYs, lifehacks, shortcuts that save time, etc. 

Now, let us look at some of the tools that can help you with Youtube SEO. 

Tools That Help With Youtube SEO 

Tools That Help With Youtube SEO 

Your chances of ranking better on Google and YouTube’s internal search or creating your own YouTube marketing trends are greatly improved when you and your SEO agency concentrate on producing the appropriate videos utilising the appropriate keywords and tags. The above-mentioned Youtube SEO tricks can be futile if you do not use the right tools to implement them. 

Here is a list of tools that you can use to maximise benefits: 

  • Youtube Analytics 
  • Google Keyword Planner 
  • YTRank
  • Rank Tracker 
  • Rapid Tags 
  • Kparser 
  • Rival IQ
  • Comment Moderation
  • Smart Moderation
  • Camtasia
  • Blender
  • SE Ranking
  • Corel Video Studio 

It’s challenging to distinguish out on Facebook and AdWords because every other company in the world uses them. YouTube is a unique case. Using the YouTube SEO advice I’ve given you, it’s very simple to get lots of views.

To start producing excellent videos, you don’t require a huge budget. A free video editor and your phone in your pocket are all you need to create a viral video. The finest channels stand out because they provide a special service. You may achieve great success on YouTube if you have a special selling point all your own and put in the additional effort to make popular videos.

All the best!