Facebook City Targeting feature a good opportunity

In what could be described as an important and a major development, Facebook has started providing City Targeting in India. Its a major win for the existing advertisers no doubt but the larger winner going to be facebook itself. It can now look forward to local advertisers who want to run smaller and targeted campaigns. For the already existing advertisers and those

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Managing Customer Relationship Conflicts and a Successful Enterprise

We all know that running business is a challenging task especially so when you are gunning for regular growth and profitability. While a B2C model has it own advantages starting with the wide prospect base a B2B business model can be highly profitable too if managed

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How the Internet fared in 2009

Some of these numbers may simply be mind-boggling, but thats how the world of the internet is – growing as you read this piece.

90 trillion – The number of e-mails sent on the Internet in

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