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Link-Building For SEO: The Good & The Bad


If you are well acquainted with SEO and content marketing, you must be aware that link-building for SEO is one of the most important ranking factors to date. 

Prior to April 2012, one could quite simply purchase their ranking place by continually adding links. You could achieve ranking on the first search engine results page by using a small number of these and a small number of those links. That era has long since passed. Today, Google values backlinks that are of high-quality and contextual nature. 

Building a network of backlinks is not tough, however, there is a lot of hard work that goes into it. You need to publish original content that offers high value to the readers in general for your website to be cited on another website. Only when your website can be considered a “resource” for someone else, will you be able to get links back to your website from other sites. 

Sounds complicated? In fact, link-building for SEO is one of the best ways to improve your domain authority and one of the easiest too. Before we discuss to what extent link-building for SEO is good or bad for your website, let us understand what it is in the first place. 

What Is Link-Building For SEO? 


Link building is pretty much what it sounds like: getting other websites to link to your website. Other websites may choose to add links to your website if they feel like your website adds value to their content. 

Say for example, a website is writing about how social media has changed over the last decade, and your website has covered some exclusive content on social media statistics, then website may want to link your website in their article in order to support their point of view. 

This is called a backlink to your website. 

Backlinks are another name for these links, and they are vital to your SEO strategy. You may even find yourself linking to other websites in order to support the content you publish. A good blog content writing agency is able to incorporate backlinks with proper anchor texts into content and signal to Google that the resources you are using on your website offer high value. 

Also, remember that it is good to associate with websites with high domain authority (DA) or domain scores (DS). This is because several algorithms are used by Google to determine page ranks such as E-A-T, which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, is one of the most important of them. 

Is Link-Building For SEO Good Or Bad For Your Business? 

Even if your digital marketing agency is acting ethically—promoting positive reviews, answering critical comments, and vigilantly monitoring your mentions—bad linking can still damage your reputation or even worsen it.

Additionally, bad backlinks can harm your reputation with search engines as well as people’s perceptions of you. 

This begs the question, what is good and back link-building? 

what will this get you

Bad Link-Building May Equal To A Bad Reputation

Avoid acquiring links in undesirable areas such as spam websites. When constructing links, it could seem quite simple to stay away from poor areas, but occasionally it’s impossible to do so.

Let’s use blog comments as an illustration. You locate a blog and leave a comment there with a sly link to a website. At that point, everything is OK. But when you go back to check on your comment, you find that there are more links following it. 

When potential customers see these comments, they would be reluctant to click on any link on the page because they would assume it was spam, just like the comments in question were.

You can purchase text links on other websites that give SEO credit using a number of websites and services. However, there is also a far less official, more covert, and a disorganised black market for link purchasing. Your SEO agency will be able to help you in avoiding these. 

Because you can choose the websites from which you receive links and examine them to make sure your links aren’t being placed in questionable areas, this is arguably the most alluring poor link creation approach. Additionally, you can incorporate links with anchor text that contains the keywords you want to rank for within pertinent content.

What Following Link-Building Ethics Can Get You 


How can you avoid developing a poor reputation with a link-building strategy now that you are aware of the risks that low-quality backlinks can have to your online reputation?

Here are a few straightforward recommendations:

Don’t spam!

  • Place your link elsewhere than on severely spammed websites.
  • Make each link request unique and make sure the link is appropriate for the website.
  • Make insightful blog comments after reading blog content.
  • renounce poor links.

By following these, your chances of gaining authentic and valuable backlinks to your website increase and as a result of this, you rank high on the SERPs. Yes, it is a long game but it is worth it. Follow this SEO guide to learn more about this. 

Once you’ve established a permanent link on a reputable website, you should continue to see consistent traffic coming from that link. In contrast, typical marketing and advertising approaches don’t generate traffic once an advertisement has run its course. Building backlinks of the highest calibre will guarantee that your website receives traffic from outside sources over the long run.

Link building for SEO can help with credible lead generation in addition to improving search rankings. For instance, link building will assist you in reaching out to an audience in a new geographic area by increasing awareness there. This can really benefit your company and help to build your reputation as a reliable brand.

All the best! 

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