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4 Things About Social Media That Should Not Be A Marketing Secret


The top goals for marketers that use social media are to increase their brand presence, engage audiences and gain meaningful feedback on what type of content audiences enjoy the most. To achieve all of this,f markets must follow social media’s best practices which include knowing the best time to post, the type of content appropriate for the platform and using the platform’s features in the most creative and effective ways. 

Given the significant position that social media plays at the top of the sales funnel, many businesses have trouble reaching their intended audience and producing interesting content. Social media marketing as a whole is very helpful and gives room for your business to expand. But remember, your social media strategy will change depending on which social networks your audience uses most frequently.

Social media marketing is not a generalised field of study, you need special knowledge to know social media’s best practices to get the most out of your marketing efforts using such networks. In this blog, we disclose all the relevant information about social media that every marketer should know in 2022. 

Different Content Works On Different Platforms 

Social media is a surefire marketing strategy that is a smaller part of your digital marketing strategy. If you know the difference between digital marketing and social media marketing, you will know that digital marketing consists of different elements that form an overarching marketing strategy for your business. 

Similarly, if you look at social media marketing from a macro perspective and you will see that there are so many different types of social media platforms that your business can use for marketing. However, if you are not sure how what content works best, it is best to first explore content writing services that can point your business in the right direction. 

What Are Some Examples Of Content That Work On Different Socials? 

Take LinkedIn and Instagram for example. Though according to Hootsuite, content on both platforms has the best read between 9 am and 11 am, the type of users on the platform differs to a large extent. This is why the content that works on LinkedIn will not work on Instagram. 

Take the example of Reddit and Twitch. Both platforms encourage community-building activities, however, while Reddit thrives on text-based long-form content, brands that market on Twitch use live-streaming to communicate with the audiences. 

It is important that you explore and research all the social media platforms available and leverage the ones that are best suited for your target audience as well as match your brand’s personality. So, if you are a B2B company with a target audience between 35 and 45, you’d want to spend more time on LinkedIn than on Instagram. And if most of your content is long-form and text-based, you’d want to use Reddit for community building. So on and so forth.

Not sure how you can use different social media channels to maximise your marketing investment? Take the help of a social media agency to help you with this.

Integrated Marketing > Any Other Branding Strategy 

For a moment, think from the perspective of the end user. Imagine you follow a brand on Instagram because you liked their content – their style of writing, the brand colours, their communication style, etc. You switch to Twitter and find the same brand using different colours and communication styles.  As the end user, you will be confused in forming a perception of the brand. This clearly means that the brand you followed, failed to create a strong brand image in the audience’s mind. 

Now, following the point above, you may have come across two or maybe even three social media platforms with great potential for your business. Remember that it is not about the quantity but the quality of your content on these platforms that will ultimately get you closer to your marketing goals. Having uniformity in communication and forming a single brand image across different platforms is one of the social media’s best practices that you must follow. 

To deliver a single message to both potential and current end users, integrated marketing communication helps integrate all key marketing components for your brand or business. A broader audience can be reached by uniformity in messaging across all social media channels. This is how your business will be able to drive digital connections using social media.  

Social Media Keeps Evolving And So Should Marketers 


We are currently in the midst of Web 2.0 transitioning into Web 3.0. That’s enough said about the internet in general. And since social media is such a critical part of the internet, marketers need to be on the lookout for newer and better ways to communicate and engage with their audiences.

Currently, social media platforms have encouraged users to create and publish unique, original content that can set the ball rolling for social media trends. For this, platforms like Youtube and Instagram have also revealed their insights on how users can crack the code to the algorithms and use these insights to maximise their reach on social media. 

In addition to that, the algorithms keep changing and platforms keep adding newer features to delight their users. So for most social media marketers, what was highly useful in 2020, may not be as relevant in 2022. While there are some specific skills you need as a social media marketer, you also need to know the best social media practices to leverage the transformative trend adopted by these social platforms.  

Not sure what role will social media play in your overall digital marketing strategy as we move closer to Web 3.0? Get in touch with a digital marketing agency that is ahead of the game to help you learn more about what marketing opportunities lay for your business. 

There Is No Alternative For Social Media Calendars 

As mentioned above, social media platforms keep evolving. They have evolved to a point where marketers no longer need to download third-party tools to schedule their posts. For example, Instagram has recently introduced a native-scheduling feature to help social media users to schedule their posts. 

Though this has made life easier for marketers, having a social media calendar to schedule these posts can never be substituted. Knowing what you’re going to post and when you’re going to post in advance will help you save time, which is a huge advantage. Additionally, it prevents you from consistently uploading duplicate content based on the same themes. 

It’s never too late to start building a social media strategy for your business. However, know that not just anyone can succeed with social media marketing without proper know-how and technical knowledge and this blog sheds light on exactly why that is true. With this information, you can now direct social media best practices and marketing efforts exactly in the direction that will get you closer to your marketing goals. 

All the best! 

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