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3-Step Starter Pack To Use The Google Keyword Planner


Your content marketing strategy is going to be heavily guided by keyword research. . For keyword research, competition analysis, keyword rankings, and all the other activities we perform as SEO experts, there are numerous tools available and Google Keyword Planner is one of the best tools out there to help you achieve this.

What Is The Google Keyword Planner? 

The Google Keyword Planner tool is a helpful tool for creating solid keyword lists and assisting with the launch of your PPC campaign. You can use Google Ads’ free keyword suggestion and bid estimation tools to help you design your marketing approach. With the help of the Google Ads Keyword Tool, you can look for keyword and ad group suggestions, analyse the performance of a keyword list, and even combine keyword lists to generate new ones. Additionally, it can assist you in selecting budgets and bids that are competitive for your campaigns.

Choosing the ideal SEO tool for you might be challenging because there are so many of them accessible. Most businesses at the beginning of their operations rely on professionals to make the most of SEO and content marketing. If you’re new to the industry, it may be wise to take the help of an SEO agency to help you achieve your content marketing goals. 

There are various tactics you may use to advance your campaign once you grasp the fundamentals of using the Google Keyword Planner. To ensure that your advertisement appears in a potential customer’s search the moment they are looking for what you have to offer, have a look at this advice on how to use the Keyword Planner. 

Now, let us look at how you can use this tool to your business’s advantage. 

Learn The Various Keyword Filters 

Average Monthly Search: Keywords are filtered based on the typical monthly searches for the chosen periods. Extremely competitive keywords carry a higher suggested price and are more difficult to rank for (often 10,000+ average monthly searches). Focusing on keywords with a mid-level search volume can assist you to avoid spending an excessive amount of money on a small number of keywords if your campaign is just getting started.

Suggested Bid: Allows you to view keyword suggestions that may aid in keeping your spending under better control. The cost-per-click (CPC) that other advertisers are paying for keywords with the same location and Search Network settings as yours is used to determining your suggested bid.

Ad Impression Share: The number of times your ad will be viewed, divided by the total number of searches for your keyword in your chosen location and network during the previous month. 

Competition: Allows you to filter keywords based on how challenging it will be to rank well with them. High, medium, and low difficulty levels are selectable. Filtering for medium to low difficulty is typically advised for small firms since these tend to have a lower suggested bid, allowing you to utilise more of your cash.

Your digital marketing agency will be able to help you make sense of not just these features but the data that these features reveal. They may look and sound complicated at the beginning but are really straightforward once you understand them. 

Target A Specific Geographic Area 


You can modify the language or location-based display of your adverts using the Keyword Planner’s filters. This may be especially helpful if, for instance, your company has a physical storefront and you want to reach more individuals who are nearby. You can also use this tool to be featured on Google Trends. But for this, you need to understand how to use Google Trends

Even while a keyword could receive a lot of searches on a national or international level, the filter can help you assess whether it’s a common and pertinent term in your neighbourhood. Resuming our example of a retail company situated in India, you may set your filters to any level of specificity, including inside your city, state, nation, and beyond.

Stay Ahead Of The Competition

ahead of the competation

With thorough competitive analysis and by displaying what other advertisers are paying for keywords, the Google Ads keyword tool can assist you in finding profitable phrases that are within your price range. The proposed bid column for the tool displays the typical sum paid to appear in the top-level position for a specific keyword. You can plan your campaign around the keywords that are financially feasible for you to increase the likelihood that prospective clients will find you.

The degree of keyword competition may significantly increase their expenses. A keyword’s level of competition is rated as low, medium, or high depending on how many other people are bidding on it. Using highly competitive keywords could make it more difficult — and expensive — for your ad to get a top-level viewing position. Remember, high-competition keywords cost more per average bid.

Once you know the keywords that are in demand, take the help of a content writing agency to incorporate them into your content formats such as PPC ads, blogs, landing pages etc. This way, you will be able to keep your content marketing plan highly optimised. 

Once you’ve compiled a list of 10–20 potential keywords for your group, clicking the Review Forecasts button will show you the projected clicks, impressions, average position, and average conversion rate for each of your potential keywords, allowing you to assess whether they’re reasonable given your budgetary constraints. Once you have a more focused list of keywords that will help you get the most out of your budget, use your discoveries to add and remove keywords.

Although there are hundreds, if not thousands, of tools available to support your goals, getting started shouldn’t be challenging. Start using Google Keyword Planner right away to move toward attaining your goals!

All the best! 

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