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What Every Marketer Needs to Know About Social Media Content Calendars


Have you Had a Deadline to Meet for Producing Content for Social Media?

The majority of us have, and it’s a difficult situation to be in. It’s not ideal to create material right before it needs to be released for more reasons than you may anticipate. You’ll miss out on the innovative social themes and events that can be organised in advance, which will reduce the likelihood that your material will match the needs of your audience.

A Social Media Calendar: What is it?

Your publication schedule is arranged chronologically in a social media calendar. You may effectively manage your content development team, maintain track of deadlines, and provide transparency with stakeholders who depend on your publication schedule by doing this.

What Makes a Social Media Calendar Necessary?

It takes more than just adding a few Instagram post ideas to your Google calendar to create a successful content calendar. Consider the advantages of using a social media calendar.

Simplified Organisation

As said by social media marketing agency, You and your team will stay organised with a content calendar, which is crucial when managing several social media platforms.

You can plan your content around the demands of your company rather than coming up with ideas on the spot. Additionally, it can provide writers more time to produce content about hot themes, impending holidays, and events. A content calendar, for instance, can assist you in planning how to advertise a major event your business is hosting in advance.

The best part is that a social media calendar informs every member of your team when content is being released. By doing this, uncertainty and potential misunderstandings can be avoided in the future.

More Flexible Scalability

Having a social media calendar also allows you to increase your content creation without taxing your marketing team.

According to Digital marketing agency, by organising the material in advance, you may schedule the production to fit your team’s availability and other responsibilities that fall under your department’s purview.

Track post metrics as you scale to see how well your content is doing. While there isn’t a magic number for when or how frequently you should post on social media, monitoring performance will enable you and your team to identify the types of material that are most effective in engaging your audience.

Content of a Higher Quality

Last but not least, by implementing a social media schedule, your team will have enough of time to produce their finest work.

Making your posts in advance gives you time to double-check your work for errors and typos. As a social media content writer, you have more time to plan and work on worthwhile projects, it also helps your team develop a unified and consistent brand image.

Components of a Social Media Content Calendar
– Key
– URLs and UTM Parameters
– Date and Time
– Message
– Campaign
– Image

How to Make a Calendar for Social Media Content.jpg

It need not be difficult to improve your social media content calendar. With these crucial elements, you’ll have a basis to tactically structure your social media plan.


Your stakeholders will value having an easy-to-read key that they can use to interpret the information in the calendar, as you may have noted in prior sections.

Almost anyone in your company may check your social media content calendar and know exactly what’s going on across all platforms as long as your key is obvious.

URLs and UTM Parameters

Although they are similar, URLs and UTM parameters are not the same thing. On your social media channels, you should publish URLs from your website (or even from another website if you are curating information).

A UTM parameter, on the other hand, is an addition to your URL. The tracking code, which is added to the end of the URL, enables social media marketers to monitor the effectiveness of their postings in generating traffic for their website. You can determine which content meets your conversion goals and which is better for interaction on social media sites by monitoring and analyzing UTM parameters.

Time and Date

You’ll quickly realise the value of including dates and hours in your social media calendar if you have stakeholders or other teams that depend on your social media content.

Teammates will be able to move through their workflow more quickly when they can examine the calendar and determine precisely when a post was or will be scheduled, which is good for you as well. This implies that you won’t constantly be woken up to offer status updates regarding every Tweet scheduled for the day.


Calendars for social media material are quite helpful when it comes to context and transparency. It is Social Media Marketing Statistics, give a quick summary of the message or even sharing the post’s caption will greatly aid everyone on and off your team in understanding the purpose of the post.

Pro tip: If you’re adding an unfinished video to your social media content schedule, think about including a little Loom video that provides an overview of the film’s subject matter.


Once the campaign has ended, it is too late to begin tracking. In your content schedule, start tracking your social media initiatives. If your campaigns are infrequent, you can make this mandatory by including a dropdown selection of predetermined campaign names; otherwise, just copy and paste the names next to the relevant information.

For smooth tracking, align your campaign name with the campaign portion of your UTM parameter.


Without any images, your social media content calendar will just end up being another spreadsheet. Include a thumbnail-sized version of the image that will be present in the published post because the majority of your social media material generally consists of visual elements. Stakeholders who examine the calendar visuals in conjunction with the message will have a solid understanding of what will be shared and when.

How to Make a Calendar for Social Media Content

How to Make a Calendar for Social Media Content.jpg
  • Set goals for yourself.
  • Set your team up.
  • Think about belonging, equity, inclusion, and diversity.
  • Choose the social media platforms you’ll employ.
  • Choose a publishing cadence.
  • Establish UTM tracking.
  • Make a tracker for analysis on your calendar.

Goal-Setting is the First Step.

Establishing your goals is the first step you should do when creating your social media content calendar. The frequency of your posting, the people who should contribute to the content generation process, and the platforms you should employ will all depend on these.

We explain how to put up your social media goals if you’re unsure of where to begin.

Team Alignment is Step Two.

It’s time to direct your team toward these goals now that you have them written down. Don’t skimp on resources, especially skill, as creating social media content is a difficult task, especially for small marketing teams.

We are aware that video material is currently dominating almost all of the main social media platforms. In order to satisfy the demands of your social media calendar, you should have on-camera talent who is solely focused on creating video content.

To keep your content production flowing swiftly and avoid bottlenecks, try to identify a content creator that is skilled at producing short-form written, video, and audio material.

Taking into Account belonging, equity, inclusion, and diversity is step three.

You should take into account issues like diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging while planning your social calendar.

Content writing agency advises, make sure your material respects and reflects the experiences and values of your audience. Additionally, the people, voices, and narratives you publish on social media platforms have to reflect both your target market and the greater community in which your company conducts business.

Planning for diversity and inclusion as you create your content schedule is important since this is not something that can happen by accident.

Choosing the Social Media Platforms you’ll Employ is Step Four!

Every social media network is unique, and the content you post on each one should be relevant to both the platform’s design and its audience.

If you’re an experienced marketer or have a large staff, you can discover that using all of the well-liked channels and even trying a new one could be advantageous to the objectives you stated in step one. However, it’s acceptable to start with a few social channels and work your way up to more if you’re a team of one or your staff is already overworked.

Choose your Publishing Cadence in Step Five.

The same holds true for your publication cadence as it does for starting off small and expanding to more social media outlets. While it’s typical for brands to publish frequently on sites like Twitter, maybe once a week on LinkedIn may be sufficient to maintain that audience’s interest.

To obtain a feel of the ideal posting cadence, look at the study for each social media network you intend to use. Compare that to the team’s bandwidth and the objectives you wish to achieve. It’s important to keep in mind that the purpose of a social media schedule is to produce and distribute a consistent stream of content to your audience – it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Set up UTM Tracking in Step Six.

A social media calendar’s statistics and tracking section is actually one of its most crucial components. Social media algorithms suggests, Using UTM parameters to track your social media material is the simplest approach to see how well it is performing. Although “UTM” sounds like a frightening acronym, they are easy to set up and operate.

You may check the analytics of your social media material once you’ve set them up for each link on your postings on social media.

Set up a Tracker for Analysis on your Calendar in Step 7

Create a tab that displays clicks, views, engagements, and other data you intend to measure to determine whether your social media material is successful so that stakeholders can keep up with how well it is performing. Your team can choose a simple or thorough level of analytics tracking.
Good Luck! 

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