The path to success on SEO and SEM starts with the key pillar called “Keywords”. A strong foundation is the key for any Internet campaign and getting your keywords right is very important. It’s the foundation that strengthens a search marketing plan (both SEO and SEM) and leads to long term success.
Getting them right.
It is important that you get your keywords right or else you will find your efforts resulting in failure. More than the financial loss, the loss of opportunity will hurt the most. Competition will have surged ahead and you will need to invest more time and money all over again. The right SEO and SEM marketing campaign needs to target the right audience and the right market.
To get started, learn about the market and adopt your customer’s mindset. As a customer what would you be looking for? Keep the consumer behavior points in mind – search, research, buy. For effective search engine optimisation keywords selection have to be supported by a strong content plan.
The idea is to build good quality content around keywords related to the product / service you are aiming to sell. You may seen the services of a content writer or a content writing agency Good keywords are those which just do not have high search volumes but have high relevancy and can impact conversion objectives. A keyword with 5000 search volume need not be as good as a keyword with 1000 search volume. You can check search volumes on Google keyword tool.
For example Google adwords agency is not as relevant as Google adwords agency Mumbai if one is looking for business from Mumbai only. ‘Google Adwords Agency Delhi’ is an excellent keyword for us if we are targeting clients in Delhi markets who want to employ services of a Google certified Adwords agency for PPC campaign management services. A generic keyword like PPC agency or Adwords agency will throw up different search results.
Similarly if you we want to rank high for SEO Agency Mumbai as a keyword we would do better if we focused on the same and not just on SEO agency or SEO agency India. I hope you have been able to understand thus far.
Competency and differentiation
What is your core competency? What is it that sets you apart from your competition? What can give you the edge? These are the questions which need to be answered when embarking on an optimisation plan.
This helps in selecting keywords unique to your business / product offering. Thereafter add prospective Markets to further focus your keywords.
Targeting single keywords is not a great idea as there is too much irrelevancy and needless competition. If you are a MBA college in Pune targeting student admissions for MBA courses – the keyword “MBA” may sound exciting to rank on but is not as relevant as part time ‘Best MBA courses’ or ‘full time MBA courses’ and the more relevant keywords are ‘MBA colleges in Pune’ or ‘best MBA College in Pune’ and so on. Using relevant keyword phrases to build your search rankings makes it easier to rank on shorter keywords over a period of time.
The right approach is to build a small databank of keywords and phrases which are relevant before starting Search Engine Optimization for webpages. Objectively you want your SEO or SEM campaigns to bring the right customers to your website through their search queries, focused keywords will get you relevant traffic.
Happy Ranking!
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